
Nikita Temryazansky Temryazansky من عند Selivanovskaya, Rostovskaya oblast', روسيا، 347130 من عند Selivanovskaya, Rostovskaya oblast', روسيا، 347130

قارئ Nikita Temryazansky Temryazansky من عند Selivanovskaya, Rostovskaya oblast', روسيا، 347130

Nikita Temryazansky Temryazansky من عند Selivanovskaya, Rostovskaya oblast', روسيا، 347130


I'm rereading this series. I recently realized that I had finally forgotten enough about them to make a return trip to the Old Kingdom. I just finished Sabriel last night. My pulse was racing, and chills were going up and down my spine as I cowered with Sabriel and Touchstone in the reservoir, surrounded by The Dead. I had forgotten how truly exciting and frightening the Abhorsen Trilogy is. Lucky me to get a chance to experience them all over again!