
Carolyn Balcom Balcom من عند 7430 Flor da Rosa, البرتغال من عند 7430 Flor da Rosa, البرتغال

قارئ Carolyn Balcom Balcom من عند 7430 Flor da Rosa, البرتغال

Carolyn Balcom Balcom من عند 7430 Flor da Rosa, البرتغال


This book was probably the funniest thing ever! I mean Rick always manages to write a fun book yet still it seems like you can learn something. I mean it never failed me what so ever! The characters are man hilarious I loved them to the core. This book was a little different - in a good way- It was so funny! I mean, Sadie is sarcastic, British, funny, witty, and strong. While Cater was fun and real sarcastic also. There was some part I was confused but all answered were left answered but the big one stay unanswered which is ok. Each thing led to another and well it worked really well. _star_