
Gabriel Goh Goh من عند Sundarganj Upazila, بنجلاديش من عند Sundarganj Upazila, بنجلاديش

قارئ Gabriel Goh Goh من عند Sundarganj Upazila, بنجلاديش

Gabriel Goh Goh من عند Sundarganj Upazila, بنجلاديش


This issue has been discussed among Christians in the main line churches for as long as Christian churches have existed. Passages from the Bible have been used, for the most part to call people with a homosexual orientation everything from "evil", to "depraved", to humans to be pitied with attempts to "cure them" of their "affliction". Jack Rogers, a Professor of Theology Emeritus at San Francisco Theological Seminary and Moderator of the 213th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church(USA), has discussed the history of this issue and tied it into other issues of race and gender. He takes on the traditional scriptures found in the Bible that have been used to villify homosexuality and shows how since 1930 there has been a dramatic change in biblical interpretation. A must read for those who are struggeling with this issue.


This took me a while to finish. I am always a fan of Adrian Phoenix but this book don't work for me.