Paulus Kristanto Kristanto من عند Rajoli, Telangana 509126، الهند
If you are a pretentious hipster who has nothing better to do than memorize Walden to quote to people then I am sure you'll love this. However, this is the most incomprehensible, egotistical piece of condescending garbage I ever had the displeasure of reading. Not only is his philosophy ridiculous, it's hypocritical when the entire time he's relying on family fortune to live on walden pond. Which, spoiler alert: he failed to complete and quit in a matter of months.
My high schools students had this title on our summer reading list so I read it to be able to discuss it with them. I loved it! It's an easy read, but is the type of books that makes you think. Every high school student that has a sibling should read this book.
another great book by malcolm gladwell. its conclusion is a bit depressing, but it certainly seems plausible.