
Lion Dongrim Kim Dongrim Kim من عند Lagoa dos Três Cantos - RS, البرازيل من عند Lagoa dos Três Cantos - RS, البرازيل

قارئ Lion Dongrim Kim Dongrim Kim من عند Lagoa dos Três Cantos - RS, البرازيل

Lion Dongrim Kim Dongrim Kim من عند Lagoa dos Três Cantos - RS, البرازيل


As far as I can tell, this book (not unlike Levinas's Totality and Infinity, but with a different theme) simply develops a Heideggerean theme (here, "Ereignis") while simultaneously claiming to be anti-Heideggerean. Much of the development of the idea here is good, but the self-congratulatory, polemical remarks against Heidegger are really unhelpful. Though no justification for it is given in the book, Badiou's identification of the 4 different domains of significance is provocative and interesting.