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قارئ Scott Weaver Weaver من عند نيويورك

Scott Weaver Weaver من عند نيويورك


The adventures of Mma Ramotswe continue in Alexander McCall Smith's addition to his No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. I really enjoy the world McCall Smith has created. His rich descriptions of a small town in Botswana are charming and his colorful characters endearing. Though the protagonist is a detective, the books are less about the mystery she solves and more about the moral philosophy and logic of the characters. Mma Ramotswe challenges traditional roles of women in society while keeping some Botswanan traditions, such as consideration for others and etiquette, alive. Mma Ramotswe along with her spunky assistant Mma Makutsi take on a case that requires them to enter into unfamiliar territory, in this case football, in this installment. I enjoyed returning to this world and look forward to the next novel. A very enjoyable read.


I absolutely love this book and this author. J. R. Ward writes in such a way that I feel like these are real people not just characters from her imagination. Wrath and Beth's love story is genuine and organic. No cookie-cutter hero/heroines here. The side characters were so much more than just a means to move the plot along; Butch was complicated and full of his own demons. This is a great start to an exciting series!


This book is good for people who are actually interested in investing - it basically drives home the point that money can be made wherever you are willing to look for it. Not that useful for those of us who don't enjoy spending time with investing. Also, it's really badly written.


Good, grounded and evidence. Wish I had made notes of some of it!