
Rainer Flores Flores من عند Polibino, Smolenskaya oblast', روسيا، 215750 من عند Polibino, Smolenskaya oblast', روسيا، 215750

قارئ Rainer Flores Flores من عند Polibino, Smolenskaya oblast', روسيا، 215750

Rainer Flores Flores من عند Polibino, Smolenskaya oblast', روسيا، 215750


I really enjoyed Darren and George, I also like that you mentioned so of the other characters from previous books. I was really glad that Darren’s father did not go ballistic when he outted himself to him, and the character Lonnie I so enjoy him in each of these books. Can not wait for the next one, keep up the good work.


A great historical thriller, intelligent and really well plotted. It is a real page turner and you won't want to put it down!


My very prim roommate lent me this book during spring quarter in Budapest, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was trying to tell me something. A stock broker kills bums, lovers and acquaintences in gruesome and torturous ways, and nobody in his vapid world of Wall Street types notices. As his crimes and the aftermath become more outrageously heinous, it becomes clear that we're no longer dealing with reality. Are the events simply fantasies of sick mind? Is the book set in some kind of terrible surrealist netherworld? Hmmm.


Unfortunately, this is the last book. But it was great, just like the rest. Really enjoyed reading it! Absolutely love who Georgia ends up with :)