
Mi Anderson Anderson من عند 2410-023 Barreira, البرتغال من عند 2410-023 Barreira, البرتغال

قارئ Mi Anderson Anderson من عند 2410-023 Barreira, البرتغال

Mi Anderson Anderson من عند 2410-023 Barreira, البرتغال


Interesting read. Worth checking out if you aren't coming from higher altitudes. For a small mind as I am, it was nourishing. Friends have said it was "ehhh."


I really enjoyed this, and I love the format. Well done.


Amazing book, one of my favourites for sure !!!!


The last book by SF Grand Master. Definetely not his best. Not much evidence of science fiction either. Both Arthur C. Clarke and Frederik Pohl have written better stuff. Just goes on to prove that 'one plus one is not always equal to two'.