
Vin من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Vin من عند نيويورك

Vin من عند نيويورك


After this series took over my life for about a month I am afraid that I will have withdrawl.


This book is not going to win any prizes for literature because the author is not a great writer, but I believe that Author Shayne Moore would be ok with me saying that. Her intention was not to write a great book, but rather to inform and inspire other moms just like her to look beyond their own home and family in order to engage global issues like poverty and AIDS. I liked reading her stories of how an ordinary suburban mom got to attend a meeting with George Clooney, spend an afternoon with Julia Roberts, and get her friend and fellow ONE member Bono to write a blurb for her book jacket, all while learning about and working for global issues. That's inspiring to me. That's why I liked this book, not because i agreed with Shayne's stand on many issues, but because it boosts the reader's faith in the idea that one person can really make a difference in our world.


much better than the movie. much.