
Joe Talisic Talisic من عند Browns Grove, KS, الولايات المتحدة من عند Browns Grove, KS, الولايات المتحدة

قارئ Joe Talisic Talisic من عند Browns Grove, KS, الولايات المتحدة

Joe Talisic Talisic من عند Browns Grove, KS, الولايات المتحدة


My loud laughter left some concerned neighbors. I couldn't put it down. All summer working in the hot sun I became highly receptive to the idea of moving to an equatorial atoll and doing a cultural 180.


One of the things I like about my dad is how excited he got about giving me this book for Christmas. Possibly even more excited than when he gave me "Quarrels that Shaped the Constitution." Possibly.


It was a little bit of a slow start, but it definitely picked up towards the end. I heard the book was twisted and dark, but I was not prepared for how twisted and dark it was; dark and disturbing, but not too bad.


Figured I should get on this bandwagon before he dies. Reads a bit like Hemingway on Meth. The same distain for punctuation, and attraction to tough, good men staring into the distance just before sunrise. I offer this sentence as exhibit A: 'The fire had burned to coals and he lay looking up at the stars in their places and the hot belt of matter that ran the chord of the dark vault overhead and he put his hands on the ground at either side of him and pressed them against the earth and in that coldy burning canopy of black he slowly turned dead center to the world, all of it taut and trembling and moving enormous and alive under his hands' 119


Well if you're looking for a short history of cambodia you've found one. It fulfills its promise precisely. It really is a broad, fast-paced overview of Cambodia's history and politics (which boggle the mind even in the less detailed version). The only real annoyance I had with it was that the author kept referencing Francois Bizot's memoir The Gate for some gods unknown reason even though I'm sure there's loads of memoirs about the Khymer Rouge. Perhaps he really liked it. Or maybe he figured it was in the public consciousness because it was published in 2003?