
Marcus Reed Reed من عند 33111 Bárzana, Asturias, إسبانيا من عند 33111 Bárzana, Asturias, إسبانيا

قارئ Marcus Reed Reed من عند 33111 Bárzana, Asturias, إسبانيا

Marcus Reed Reed من عند 33111 Bárzana, Asturias, إسبانيا


Divertidísima, consigue atraparte hasta terminarla.


Meh. Beautiful pictures, nicely written, but nothing I have to go make right this second.


This was basically the second half of book 2 and as such it did fill in a lot of what was missing from New Moon. The characters all became a bit more multidimensional.


This book is several 1,000 pages long and includes everything you ever or never wanted to know about pharmaceutics. I have enjoyed using it as resource this year, but can't wait to read something less ummm... nerdy.