
Ismail Akar Akar من عند Knej, سلوفينيا من عند Knej, سلوفينيا

قارئ Ismail Akar Akar من عند Knej, سلوفينيا

Ismail Akar Akar من عند Knej, سلوفينيا


A really good mystery writtern by/about a forensic anthropologist, Kathy Reichs. The television program Bones is loosely based on this book series, although the books are much better. Highly recomended for an intelligent, thriller (and no it's not an oxymoron.)


I can see why this book may end up being one of the "cult classics" of literature, BUT I didn't think it was all that great! The main character, Liza, really doesn't seem consistent to me. Or her character doesn't seem consistent with itself. I don't see how someone so hell bent on becoming famous or just in general would keep making the same humiliating mistakes over, and over, and over again, can become a "famous" slash fiction writer (even if it is porn). Some of the passages from her slash fiction seems like the author just wants to step in and write a bit of porn. Also word usage in those paragraphs seemed too sophisticated for the character Liza. Anyway, I don't feel terrible after reading the book, it was entertaining at least.