
David Martin Martin من عند Armeninovo, Respublika Bashkortostan, روسيا، 452871 من عند Armeninovo, Respublika Bashkortostan, روسيا، 452871

قارئ David Martin Martin من عند Armeninovo, Respublika Bashkortostan, روسيا، 452871

David Martin Martin من عند Armeninovo, Respublika Bashkortostan, روسيا، 452871


Linclon's genius in making a cabinet of those who opposed him in his run for President. It worked for him, for th country and now for Doris Goodwin.


I liked this book more than a thought a would. Take a book about love and longing, mix it with time travel and you probably have something I will appreciate.


Anything from this guy, especially this book, needs to be reframed in terms of the realities of free-market capitalism before reading becomes a valuable exercise. His explanation of the origins of Globalization feel about right, you could probably guess what he'll suggest as the leading causes before even cracking the cover. He of course, as a proponent, doesn't look at the side of corporate-cooperative political agents that have played a major, if not necessary role in explaining the terrors of exploitative international business; indeed he doesn't really touch on too much bad at all. The best two things about this book: elites see it as a green light, and use it as "fantastic" support, and it's easily torn down by a junior-highschooler with only a hint of independent thought.