
Kipchoge Wilmot Wilmot من عند سانتر، فرنسا من عند سانتر، فرنسا

قارئ Kipchoge Wilmot Wilmot من عند سانتر، فرنسا

Kipchoge Wilmot Wilmot من عند سانتر، فرنسا


The whole story is about a man who takes his wife into a place where she is likely to die because she had been unfaithful. Maugham tells us that this story is different than all his others which are character driven where this was in story driven. The author was also sued because of the name of the characters, thus their name was changed from Lane to Fane and another law suit forced the change in the territory in China. This may have been a story driven story but the characters were still great. I enjoyed this quick read very much. There is a 2006 film and I wonder if anyone has seen it and whether it is worth watching?


Six stars for "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and three stars for everything else. I'm not sure how that works out to a total of four, but I'll go with it.