
Fant من عند 9173 Gotschuchen, النمسا من عند 9173 Gotschuchen, النمسا

قارئ Fant من عند 9173 Gotschuchen, النمسا

Fant من عند 9173 Gotschuchen, النمسا


A twisty, well-written mystery. Very enjoyable!


OK, I finished the book! Whoohoo! All in all, it was ok for me. I laughed a lot in the beginning... some of my favorite lines were "Revelations 2; Just When you thought it was safe to sin." and "Actually , I thought I'd stay Josh. Your mother needs someone to look after her, and she's still a relatively attractive woman. I mean a guy could do worse." My absolute favorite part was the lizard in the beginning. I laughed so hard! very fun and creative. It got slow for me while he was visiting the wisemen. But I did laugh once in a while. Definately not as much as in the beginning. The End... I was nervous reading the part during His ministry. Being a Born Again Christian, I knew this could be difficult. I did struggle with a few things, and to me they were important. Well, at least two things. First, the scorging, "At least it wasn't a Roman scourge they lashed him with. He took thirty nine lashes, but it was just leather, not the lead -tipped whip that the romands use. " A cat of nine tails was used with other devices. It was the Romans scourging so it was a roman scourge. Pieces of glass and metal shards are embedded in the leather strips, and they rip through the flesh. Important to me because I want others to know how bad the penalty for our sins was. Second part was the crusificiton, the poisen. This is a fictional work. But Mr. Moore did do a lot of research for this book as well. And I always have to take a stand on the belief of the real death and resurection of Jesus. I found myself praying that the book wouldn't go that route. But it did, and you are lead to believe that he drinks it. Thankfully Moore didn't let the ending be the poisen. Now that that is said, I would like to say that I loved that no matter how raunchy the book got, or made me shake my head, the ending was still sad. His followers didn't get it, didn't want to believe it even. It ripped them to shreds inside. With how the book was going,I kept expecting humor in the crusifiction, but it was well done emotionally. If there was a poisen that could work like that, I would have wanted to try it to save Him too. It is too much to fathom that the person you have been friends with for even the time that the real diciples were with Him, was going to have to bear that torture, and then to understand He was coming back, and that it was being done to save the world, I wouldn't have gotten it either. Because of the Bible, those who believe have hindsight. I really appreciated that Moore stayed true to at least the tragedy and pain that His friends had to wittness. Jesus swearing as a kid, didn't seem to bother me quite as much as it did as He aged. Once the book got to the part that is written, it was much harder for me to find the humor in certain things. But there were some. Like when Biff talks about his mom and Joshua says, "she still plagued with demons?" Lines like that cracked me up. Thanks for letting me read the book. It was interesting and at times fun. I will still reccomend it to one more of my friends who I know can handle it as a Born Again believer. But it is definately a book I have to be careful of recomendations. Only because so many "Christians" that I know would have a fit reading this book. But I did pass it on to a friend of mine, who is a christian, but who also has a great sense of humor.


Guess I already added this and owner of Everybody Reads just highlighted it in a column, so good to know multiple sources are encouraging me to read this.


A huge shout out to all GR reviewers who mentioned how stellar the last section of the book was. I've had a severe case of reading ADD this year and have abandoned more than my fair share of books because I wasn't enthralled from page one. I might have done it with this book too, but I was encouraged by the "it gets better" theme running through many of the reviews. It did get better, although it wasn't until about halfway through (right around the lunch scene at the mexican restaurant) that I felt like I was fully engaged and invested in the story. And they were right about the ending. Part 3 of this book ripped out my insides, just absolutely fucking gutted me.


I read this book in high school for the first time and it didn't make much of an impression. I recently re-read it and loved it. It's a quick and fun read about high-class life in the early 20th century. I would recommend this book to my friends.