
Alejandro Juancorena Juancorena من عند 6400 Carvalhal, البرتغال من عند 6400 Carvalhal, البرتغال

قارئ Alejandro Juancorena Juancorena من عند 6400 Carvalhal, البرتغال

Alejandro Juancorena Juancorena من عند 6400 Carvalhal, البرتغال


I loved it


I got so fed up with this book and its blatant and wanton confusing prose that I threw it off the 10th floor of a building in Seattle. I hope it impaled someone's skull and Kerouac gets blamed for the tragedy. I'm off beat writers forever now, fat bloated American swine.


This is definitely an American classic, but it was difficult to get through.


exceptionally and beautifully written, a giddy storm of the senses. So much richer and more complex than the film