
Benjamin Walton Walton من عند 23289 Cañada Catena, Jaén, إسبانيا من عند 23289 Cañada Catena, Jaén, إسبانيا

قارئ Benjamin Walton Walton من عند 23289 Cañada Catena, Jaén, إسبانيا

Benjamin Walton Walton من عند 23289 Cañada Catena, Jaén, إسبانيا


I read this in less than a day, I love that Myrtle is a fat girl that isn't trying to stop being fat, we all need to accept ourselves just the way we are. Otherwise this is a good quick read, not a masterpiece, but fun for an afternoon on the couch. If you don't like to read about menstruation, don't pick this up.


it's a great book