
Danilo Pedroso Pedroso من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Danilo Pedroso Pedroso من عند نيويورك

Danilo Pedroso Pedroso من عند نيويورك


This was the book my father read to me as I fell asleep as a boy. Just as my grandfather did for my father. Perhaps this reveals more than it should? This is a book containing 12 short, NON-fiction, stories about hunting man-eating tigers in India. Jim Corbett, the author and hunter, clearly articulates how and why some (very few) tigers turn to attacking men and what is required to bring these "eco-terrorists" to justice! Just, kidding. Corbet explains that tigers only turn to human prey when injured, but in such a state tigers are still extremely difficult to find and stop, and all the while are very deadly. Some of the tigers in these stories killed men into the 300's and a few into the 500's... Corbett was a hero to the mountain natives of India, risking his life often, and saving villages from self imposed starvation from fear of leaving their huts to tend their crops. The stories are compelling, thrilling, terrifying, and amazingly informative concerning tigers and how they act in the wild. You are in luck because this book was out of print for some 50 years and a damaged copy would run you $100, with dust cover more like $350 from rare book shops. It appears to be reprinted and if you can get your hands on a copy... reading it to boys as they fall asleep will put hair on their chests... Good luck, and remember... if the tiger is NOT there and you stay put, you'll be fine. If the tiger IS there and you stay put, cross your fingers that you are downwind of him, and you'll be fine. If the tiger IS there and you run for the tents... he will kill you and eat you before you get halfway there... What do you do? Run for the tents, or stay still beneath the moonlit shadow of the tree where you fell asleep? Corbett knew where his odds lay? Would you?


Heartbreak is awful, but there's always a project out there to ease the pain!! In this case it's canning and making jelly. Fun and funny!