
Syahir Rokib Rokib من عند Prospecton, 4133، جنوب أفريقيا من عند Prospecton, 4133، جنوب أفريقيا

قارئ Syahir Rokib Rokib من عند Prospecton, 4133، جنوب أفريقيا

Syahir Rokib Rokib من عند Prospecton, 4133، جنوب أفريقيا


judy moody, a third grader heard from her teacher that every minute many trees are cut down. Judy was scared of trees being extinct. she said that she wanted to save the world. she did this by starting to take everything in her house that came from the rain forest such as coffee beans and make up. Her mom had consternation when she found out what her daughter did. judy replied that she was trying to save the world. People heard about judy's idea and thought about not cutting trees. her school raised money and collected bottles to recycle. in the end, they saved over 100 trees and the school got an award called the giraffe award.


I asked my students to write a meditation on how they act when no one is watching. This is an excellent book in and of itself, but it makes, i think, an even better teaching tool.


إنها تجربتي الاولى له...ما كل هذة الروعة؟؟ يشرع فيها الأستاذ السعدني في تشريح الواقع المصري من خلال شخصياته...تشريح عميق يبرز إيجابيات و سلبيات تلك الفترة...يعقد مقارنات ذكية بين الحال قبل و بعد انقلاب يوليو العسكري 1952...مساوئ عصر الأنفتاح...و تغير طبيعة الشخصيات المصرية تغيرا جذريا تبعا لتغير الظروف... ذكاء شديد في الأسلوب..أحب دائما الأسلوب الساخر الذكي...يرمي لك طرف الخيط...و ينتظر منك أن تسحبه لتصل لما يقصده...و يجمع برغم الذكاء بساطة و تلقائية...من لغة الشارع...تلك اللغة القصيرة الموجزة... تجربة مشجعة لمزيد من أعمال عمنا السعدني....


This really does remind me of Melissa Marr’s work, especially since the plot has a lot to do with evil fairy folk—the pixies. There’s the tiny bit of originality with the combination of weres (as in werewolves, etc.) and the characters are only slightly better than Marr’s work. The protagonist here was quirky, which I would have normally loved, but she was too quirky that she became inconsistent. It was like every time I turned the page, I got another version of Zara that wasn’t the real Zara. I know, tres confusing. Awkward writing. The dialogue, especially, was just terrible. It felt rushed and inconsistent. The transitions left me utterly clueless about what they were talking about. The awkward phrasing of their conversation made me feel like they were either 5 year olds trapped in a teenager’s body, or a grown up trapped in a kid’s body. The storyline, in general (despite it’s tidbit of unique-ness) was a bit confusing. More could have definitely expanded on the pixie legend, and the past of the parents. You’d think that sine Zara was so obsessive about her father’s death that she might question his role as a were in Maine, or even be a bit more outraged that so many secrets had been kept from her. Or, you’d at least expect a bigger reaction when she realized that fantastical creatures actually existed. I mean, wouldn’t you, especially if you’re a non-believer