
Mickey Banks Banks من عند Kulbaria, West Bengal 742302، الهند من عند Kulbaria, West Bengal 742302، الهند

قارئ Mickey Banks Banks من عند Kulbaria, West Bengal 742302، الهند

Mickey Banks Banks من عند Kulbaria, West Bengal 742302، الهند




+ 1 read + 1 read (2014)


Re-read April 2016 - I feel like this is probably a 3.75 stars or so? Originally read Aug 2011 (no review) - 4 stars Brief notes/review from re-read: Book #3 in the series was where I got up to first time around back in 2011, so I was hoping by re-reading these I could continue on and read more in the series, as I was told some of the later ones were I remembered these as being really good the first time around. Unfortunately, for the moment, I've only managed to get to Book #3 again. I think I'm probably not enjoying them QUITE as much as the first time around, although they are still entertaining and I will most likely continue on with them at some point. Whereas Book #1 was werewolf focused and Book #2 was vampire focused, Book #3 seems to revolve around a mystery in the fae world. It's quite good to see all these different aspects, as it builds the idea of the world and the different groups of people quite well. I think this one has some of the the same problems as the last two books though... there's a very slow beginning and lots of things described but when you look back not really a lot actually happens in a large early part of the book. Then it starts to pick up and there's lots going on crammed into the last 20% or so. Although I don't want to spoil anything I think people should know that there's some pretty traumatic stuff that happens in this one towards the end - triggers and all that. Major spoiler: (view spoiler) The romance subplot is moved on by a snails pace and then sadly, the satisfaction that should have been felt at the events at the very end are completely overshadowed by the fact that I was still feeling sick from what had happened previously. I know people deal with things in different ways and Mercy seems to like to ignore things for the most part, but (view spoiler) I as a reader just wasn't ready to appreciate this moment. Also - fade to black? Really? After all that waiting that's what we get? Urgh fine! Oh and we don't hear from Stefan or the vampires at all in this one...and I kind of missed them!