
Magda Abdo Abdo من عند Gazlıgöl Belediyesi, 03370 Gazlıgöl Belediyesi/İhsaniye/Afyonkarahisar, تركيا من عند Gazlıgöl Belediyesi, 03370 Gazlıgöl Belediyesi/İhsaniye/Afyonkarahisar, تركيا

قارئ Magda Abdo Abdo من عند Gazlıgöl Belediyesi, 03370 Gazlıgöl Belediyesi/İhsaniye/Afyonkarahisar, تركيا

Magda Abdo Abdo من عند Gazlıgöl Belediyesi, 03370 Gazlıgöl Belediyesi/İhsaniye/Afyonkarahisar, تركيا


Now this was more like it. Of course I was thrilled to get Gregori's story, he's my fav so far and I think he will remain so throughout the series. And I 'm happy to report that Savannah was NOT a whiny, confused B----! Thank god!!! Gregori and Savannah's story was just what this series needed. I was on the edge of my seat and couldn't put the book down. Sleeping was out of the question. Gregori was everything I look for in a troubled, strong, dangerous, intense sex machine. Oh yeah...I said it...He knows what he's got and he knows how to use it. And Ms. Savannah was a fast learner...And she didn't fight the fact that she was his lifemate...instead looking to become a real partner in their relationship. Even knowing what Gregori had to do for their people... I love the girl! There's plenty of action in and out of the bedroom. The sex sizzled off the pages!!! I don't know why I waited so long to start this series. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!


There was one or two places where it moved to fast, and it was just a little to convenient, but other than that, really enjoyable read.


Really good book. The movie was nothing like it...but still good I guess. They retained one aspect of awesomeness from the book: an old lady mumbling to herself. That was awesome. You should see the movie just for that. I lolled. Anyway, the book is really clever and fairy-tale-like. Part of the awesome of this book was that practically all of it is exposition and then in the last like ten pages everything happens. It's crazy. I didn't even get what happened at the end until I read it a couple times. Then I was like "ooooh, it all makes sense now...that totally changes my perception of....ooooh." Totally. The only thing that bugs me a little about this author in general is that she tends to link all of her books to the "real world," so even when there's like an oldey time fairy tale story, she throws in an alternate dimension with video games and cars. That kind of gets my goat. I mean, if I wanted to read about what really goes on in the world I'd read a textbook...or, like, go outside and experience it for realsies. Books aren't supposed to be just like real life, that's BORING. There's not too much of that in this book, though.