
Blackstar من عند South Kilworth, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17، المملكة المتحدة من عند South Kilworth, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17، المملكة المتحدة

قارئ Blackstar من عند South Kilworth, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17، المملكة المتحدة

Blackstar من عند South Kilworth, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17، المملكة المتحدة


My edition is the paperback by Harper Torchbooks (1964).


I love this book, impartial, full of insight and common sense. I have taken it to every well visit since my daughter was born. When I got the book, I made notes on each vaccine, why or why not. So when the doctor tries to encourage me to get something, I open the chapter and find out if it was questionable, acceptable or just a no way. I think all parents should own a copy of this, but especially parents who are on the fence for their various reasons.