
Katarina Berg Neergaard Berg Neergaard من عند 33829 Picalgallo, Asturias, إسبانيا من عند 33829 Picalgallo, Asturias, إسبانيا

قارئ Katarina Berg Neergaard Berg Neergaard من عند 33829 Picalgallo, Asturias, إسبانيا

Katarina Berg Neergaard Berg Neergaard من عند 33829 Picalgallo, Asturias, إسبانيا


In Every Heartbeat is a book about relationships and change. Libby, Petey, and Bennett go to college together, leaving the orphanage home where they were raised together. As each follows his/her own dream, they grow in who they are; however it drastically changes their friendships. Set against the backdrop of World War I, the historical aspects of the novel add to the story. I enjoyed this book. It explores one character's search and discovery of God's peace that truly passes understanding. It gives a clear Biblical message. The characters are three-dimensional, and each one changes as their lives change. The relationships and feelings are real and easy to relate. It is a nice and easy read that I would recommend!