
Diana Habashneh Habashneh من عند Wanderley - BA, البرازيل من عند Wanderley - BA, البرازيل

قارئ Diana Habashneh Habashneh من عند Wanderley - BA, البرازيل

Diana Habashneh Habashneh من عند Wanderley - BA, البرازيل


I loved the story and characters development. It was also nice to get snippets of DR culture and history intertwined with the story.




Wow. I had seen the movie a few years ago, and thought it was OK. I recently started reading LeHane's murder mystery books, and found them enjoyable, quick reading - sometimes a bit too heavy on graphic violence for my taste. But this one ... wow. Tough to do justice to in a movie, since so much dialogue takes place in the characters heads. More of a psychological thriller, with fully drawn characters, than just a detective novel, it completely sucked me in. Can people really change their basic nature? How does the sheer luck of where we're born and grow up affect our lives? Can a strong will overcome a bad background? What if, in trying to do good, you make a terrible mistake...