
Yamen Ibrahim Ibrahim من عند Isinyi-Nando, نيجيريا من عند Isinyi-Nando, نيجيريا

قارئ Yamen Ibrahim Ibrahim من عند Isinyi-Nando, نيجيريا

Yamen Ibrahim Ibrahim من عند Isinyi-Nando, نيجيريا


خيلي قشنگه .. با همون فضاسازي هاي دوست داشتني كرماني


Fuck Moby Dick and Gatsby. This, my friends, is the Great American Novel. Good endings are overrated, and it's a good thing, because Tom Sawyer nearly ruins the whole damn thing. That said, I can appreciate the Cervantine dynamic that he was trying to resolve, but just because you have an interesting idea for an ending doesn't mean you can pull it off. I refer you to the finales of Seinfeld and Roseanne.


I thought this book was awesome! I loved it! Its was not as good as the first one but it is still pretty good!!!


Oh dear. I'm in the final 1/3 part. It's been a slog, nothing has happened and I've just spent the last few minutes reading other reviews...I'm a little tempted to just stop reading... Okay, I didn't stop reading, I knew I HAD to finish this one. The first 500 pages Ayla is touring the painted caves for her training and nothing really happens, pictures of the various caves should have been included...at least the description be worthwhile. For those of us who love these characters, it was good to be with them again, but it is rather disappointing when nothing of note happens to them. And when something does finally happen, it is out of character and hard to stomach. I am a true fan. I reread these books frequently, they are my comfort reads. Sadly, this (hopefully) final edition had none of the resonance of the first books. I agree with one of my fellow reviewers, it is very evident that the absence of Ms. Auel's editor was probably a major factor in the end result not being up to our standards and we all suffer for it.


a landmark record and still my all time fave. exciting to know about its creation.


See? This is the reason why I could never give up on faerie books. Because of authors like Julie Kagawa and a series like this. She sure didn't make this read a cake walk. Never a dull moment in Meghan Chase's life. Just because she's defeated the Iron King doesn't mean every single creature in all the realms are about to sit down around the camp fire and start singing Kumbaya. In fact, I say her life just got incredibly harder. She can't go back home to the mortal world for fear that she'd put her mortal family in jeopardy. She can't go with Prince Ash since he, himself was disowned by his own mother and she can't go back to the Summer Court because she pretty much chose Ash over her kingdom. So what's a girl to do? Well, try to stop the forceful invasion of the false king, that's what. Crazy girl. You can't really blame her. After all, she's practically the only hope for the Summer and Winter courts of surviving. But...there's a price. And when everything is said and done, Meghan would have to give up her heart to do the right thing. Reading this book was painful...not in an OMG-this-is-incredibly-bad painful but It-hurts-so-good painful. It was a non-stop, pulse pounding, adrenaline pumping action, gut-wrenching suspense and chest constricting angst. Julie Kagawa has this innate talent for building a fantastical world that's easily imagined and yet it's nothing short of complex. It's vivid, beautiful and surreal. Ms. Kagawa spent some time in developing every creature; the beautiful (Ash), the grotesque (pretty much every single one in the Iron realm), and the normal (Grimalkin...wait, what?). Kidding. My point is, the lady sure has some incredible imagination. She's one of those authors who can't possibly go wrong with writing fantasy and paranormal. The real challenge is, how will she stack up with reality fiction? No matter. As long as this woman continues to write her stories, I'll keep buying them. Let's talk about the ending. *&*%^$#$#@$+ THAT. IS. ALL. It's a good thing I have The Iron Knight, otherwise, words will be said.