
Brig Atwood Atwood من عند باورز، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة من عند باورز، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة

قارئ Brig Atwood Atwood من عند باورز، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة

Brig Atwood Atwood من عند باورز، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة


Wow! That is all I really have to say. I just finished this book, I am still piecing together how I feel about it. It's pretty much a typical Kate White novel and is very similar to the formula that Kate White used in the Bailey Weggins series. She of course throws in curves here in there so it isn't exactly the same. It definitely kept my attention I loved the story itself. I absolutely love Kate White's novels. I am just still trying to forge the pieces together and take in the novel all together. I love the pace it follows and how it kept my attention (and freaked me out at night). I didn't predict the end at all. I had thought that three other people would be the murderer. I just think Mrs. White needs to change her formula a bit. Its almost like Bailey Weggins all over and I wouldn't doubt that this becomes a her new series. :) I will still love to have more books by her for sure. I just need her to switch it up a bit, like she did in Hush.


It was nice to revisit this world of the Archangels - like getting together with friends. It was a good story - it was good to get backstory on Dmitri and I enjoyed Honor. But I admit I enjoyed some of the peripheral characters (and character mentions!) more - like ASHWINI!!!! JANVIER!!! I cannot wait to read more of their story and I was quite pleased with the mentions of them in this book. There novella Angel's Pawn is one that I do frequently revisit . Sorrow and Venom were also quite interesting. And anytime I get more information on the Seven is a good thing.


I have decided to re-read the Twilight books again now that I have watched the first two movies. I read through them so fast the first time that I missed so much. I am amazed at the differences between the first book and the first movie. I will finish my review as soon as I have finished reading the book!