
Jaber Vaezi Vaezi من عند Grab, البوسنة والهرسك من عند Grab, البوسنة والهرسك

قارئ Jaber Vaezi Vaezi من عند Grab, البوسنة والهرسك

Jaber Vaezi Vaezi من عند Grab, البوسنة والهرسك


I saw Alice read this book and it reminded me that I couldn't put it down when I read it a while back. Chabon seems so comfortable immersing us in different cultural worlds. Can you have an epic about comic book illustrators? Apparently, you can. The many layers of hiding who you really are make an already complicated narrative all the more interesting.


This story was ok. Nothing all that outstanding. It is cute but it is definitely geared more towards tweens/teens. Most YA books are written well enough that adults or teens could enjoy but this one was a bit juvenile and boring for my taste.


this book is a stretching exercise. not a bad one, but also doesn't add any muscle to your brain either. like a hip, more self involved 1980s stephen king novel w/out the precocious kid or possessed inanimate object. but it focused my attention for two days. this is a good thing.