
Maartje Voortwist Voortwist من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Maartje Voortwist Voortwist من عند نيويورك

Maartje Voortwist Voortwist من عند نيويورك


I read this at a time when I lived kind of an apocalyptic lifestyle similar to her's. This book is about a woman looking for her brother who is MIA in a NYC-type city in a Country where nothing new has been produced for a long time. Many of the buildings are in rubble and the few left are disappearing daily. The city dwellers who remain live like rats, scavenging endlessly for crumbs. This is not a book for the faint of heart as it is a rough life, but it is a fascinating and realistic vision of a future where death is relief worth paying for. My favorite part of this book is how everyday objects become infinitely valuable when scavenged in a world of last things.


Wilde's books are usually very short but always contain unique perspectives. I'll read anything he writes.


A book that paints a portrait of Savannah so strong you can almost hear the wind blowing through the mossy trees and smell the sweet air. While the primary objective of this story is to tell you a disturbing tale of murder and romance-the part of the story that stays with me, and keeps me coming back to read it again and again is the character descriptions. Berendt paints such clear pictures with his words, that you only want to know more about all these quirky characters, as well as the city of Savannah itself, the biggest strangest character in the whole book.


i hoped the trilogy would get better as it progresses. i was wrong.