
Jonathan Ortiz Ortiz من عند Hammam Zriba, تونس‎ من عند Hammam Zriba, تونس‎

قارئ Jonathan Ortiz Ortiz من عند Hammam Zriba, تونس‎

Jonathan Ortiz Ortiz من عند Hammam Zriba, تونس‎


Quite amazing book by philosopher Isaiah Berlin about the immediate post Enlightenment philosophers known as the Romantics, who are distinct from the artists referred to by the same name.


So I read this book during Beach Week, and it was ok - I found it really distracting because the whole time I was just trying to figure out what school it was. Some of it rings true while some of it seemed so cliche that it was sort of hard to believe. Whatever, good for a skim.


Not quite "Nickled and Dimed", but still good reading about the the vagaries that capitalism subjects us to--even the so-called middle class.


ignatius. hmm. one of the best charatcters of all time, but a complete a**hole.