
Menachem Krinsky Krinsky من عند جھنڈو، باكستان من عند جھنڈو، باكستان

قارئ Menachem Krinsky Krinsky من عند جھنڈو، باكستان

Menachem Krinsky Krinsky من عند جھنڈو، باكستان


this is Shel Silverstein's 1st poetry book. I love his work, but I didn't like this book as much as "The Giving Tree"

menachemkrinsky[return][return]As always, a generally good selection, with a lot of the stories revolving around virtual identities and gaming. I had read two of the 25 before, as they were Hugo nominees; of the rest, the ones that will stay with me are the first, "Baby Doll" by Johanna Sinisalo, a terrifying tale of future sexuality; in the middle, "End Game" by Nancy Kress, which retreads some of the ground from her "Beggars in Spain" but takes it in a new direction; and the final story, James Van Pelt's "How Music Begins", a tale of alien abduction, romance and a high school band. All good stuff; I still have the Dozois collection to look forward to.[return]