
Thomas Fuh Fuh من عند Peşteana Vulcan, رومانيا من عند Peşteana Vulcan, رومانيا

قارئ Thomas Fuh Fuh من عند Peşteana Vulcan, رومانيا

Thomas Fuh Fuh من عند Peşteana Vulcan, رومانيا


This book was somewhat interesting but never turned into one of those gotta-read-it page turners for me. It was breezy and well written, but some of the literary parts I couldn't help but feel were somewhat juvenile for the subject material that was being covered.


Yawn. "I was poor, I bought my mother a house free and clear for her to live in after I let her live in heartbreaking poverty while I traipsed around the world, I am so great! Did I mention that I was really, really poor?" The memoir is one of my favorite genres, but this one left me cold. He writes like a local color journalist, with too much "aw shucks" folksiness, with no story line. He kept reiterating how poor he was rather than letting the stories speak for themselves. I read it to the bitter end, when I felt that he should have broken his arm from patting himself on the back. Yawn.