
Vera Valente Valente من عند Zharmukhabmet, كازاخستان من عند Zharmukhabmet, كازاخستان

قارئ Vera Valente Valente من عند Zharmukhabmet, كازاخستان

Vera Valente Valente من عند Zharmukhabmet, كازاخستان


I found this book very enjoyable! Poor Dominick and Thomas!


Interesting twist on fairy tales


Sexy, erotic noir that references classic noir elements such as amnesia, a la Richard Neely’s “Shattered” and plastic surgery, like David Goodis’ “Dark Passage”. “Trap For Cinderella” is about a spoiled rich girl who shacks up with her introverted childhood friend, shutting everyone else out until a nightmarish house fire kills one of them and disfigures the other, necessitating intense plastic surgery. Fights over the inheritance and blackmail schemes abound while we try to figure out which girl died in the fire and which one survived, raising endless questions about identity. Sebastien Japrisot wrote brilliant suspense tales flavored with French New Wave erotica, giving it an original, modern spin. “Trap For Cinderella” will be out in theatres next year, but I’ll bet the film won’t be as sexy as the book.