
من عند 8333 Nestoplja Vas, سلوفينيا من عند 8333 Nestoplja Vas, سلوفينيا

قارئ من عند 8333 Nestoplja Vas, سلوفينيا

من عند 8333 Nestoplja Vas, سلوفينيا


Quentin the magician becomes a Fillorian hero in this sequel to The Magician. Expect more pithy current event references and general snarkiness than the first book. I enjoyed this story, even more than the first book, especially Julia's backstory and Quentin's constant ironic commentary. I found the first part very literary - a typical fantasy quest, but by the end it felt more like "Hitchiker's Guide" - lots of bizarre characters popping up and odd events to keep the action moving. This detracted some from my appreciation of the book, but it is still mostly a fun read. I look forward to the next one...


Story of a woman who spends one year in the Peace Corps in Ecuador, marries her recruiter and then spends 3 years in Uganda with CARE. The author seems self-indulgent in her writing, but i really liked, of course, the description of her experiences living in Uganda. We take so much for granted here it's hard not to be in awe of people who choose to live their lives at least for a while in third world countries. There are better books set in Africa though.