النجاشي، شاعر صفين قصي الشيخ عسكر تحميل

النجاشي، شاعر صفين قصي الشيخ عسكر تحميل

النجاشي، شاعر صفين قصي الشيخ عسكر حمل مجانا

مؤلف :

النجاشي، شاعر صفين قصي الشيخ عسكر تحميل سيل

  • مؤلف:
  • الناشر: مؤسسة البلاغ
  • تاريخ النشر:
  • التغطية: غلاف عادي
  • لغة:
  • ISBN-10: No
  • ISBN-13:
  • الأبعاد:
  • وزن:
  • غلاف:
  • سلسلة: N/A
  • درجة:
  • عمر:
  • مؤلف:
  • السعر: $3.00

مراجعات الكتب

النجاشي، شاعر صفين


what to say? what to say? when i actually finished reading this book i really don't know how to make a review out of it, i just think Imaginary girls is the kind of book that left me really dumbfounded when i finished reading it, and oh trust me, i was speechless not in a good way, not in a very good way at all. let's first go with the pros of the book: I think the book has a very captivating premise plus the very nice book cover! oh come on! the book cover is really nice! the book cover is enough for me to think that this book is filled with mystery and the tag line "secrets never stay below the surface" is something really eerie and creepy and I am the kind of reader that is in to secrets and mystery. second one is the writing style, i like how the book is written in a way it's kinda poetic and lyrical combined with the eeriness of it. it made me feel like the town of Olive is really Haunted. ok lets proceed with the Cons: I think Ruby's character is the most Love her or hate her character ever!! OMG! for one moment you will like her cause she cares so much of her younger sister Chloe, but at times you think she is just one hell of a bitch, she actually reminds me of Alison Dilaurentis in the Pretty little liars series, she is just plain manipulative and everyone adores her, but behind all those smiles and people adoring her, deep inside everyone hated her. >:) i think the story has potential but it would have been great if the author provided a short glimpse or a side story on why Ruby has the ability to rise people from the dead or better yet she should have provide a history regarding the Reservoir, I mean a lot of question is swirling in my mind like, Is the reservoir really haunted? does it have lost spirit in it? after reading this book none of my questions were answered and i think the book just really left a reader like me very confuse and well really blank. I just hoped that the story is really has a solid plot, there was this moment when i was reading this book and i was like "what the hell am I reading?" i can say that Imaginary girls is the kind of novel that has a scattered plot, i can't even come up with the right words on how to describe the story. I'm not saying that the book is really bad, you should try it out if you like mystery, and if you happen to like it, please do enlighten me. :) and the ending is really nice in a way it's really bittersweet. Originally posted @ The YA Bookworm

2023-01-05 09:39

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النجاشي، شاعر صفين قصي الشيخ عسكر تحميل سيل

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