صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي تحميل

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  • // صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي تحميل

صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي تحميل

صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي حمل مجانا

يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوعان ذات أهمية كبيرة في حياتنا اليومية. . الموضوع الأول : يتحدث عن معرفة النفس البشرية والقواعد السلوكية وطاقات الفرد و التوج. . .  ة الفعال للطاقات الشخصية وزمام النفس. أما الموضوع الثاني : يتناول الديناميكية الذهنية والتصرفات وعلاقتهما با   Show.

مؤلف :

صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي تحميل سيل

  • مؤلف:
  • الناشر: دار عالم الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع
  • تاريخ النشر:
  • التغطية: غلاف كرتوني
  • لغة:
  • ISBN-10: 9789957731502
  • ISBN-13:
  • الأبعاد:
  • وزن:
  • غلاف:
  • سلسلة: N/A
  • درجة:
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  • مؤلف:
  • السعر:

مراجعات الكتب

صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون


This is the first graphic novel I have ever read. While it took me a while to get used to the format, figure out which order the talk bubbles went in, once I got going it was interesting to have stuff to read with also pictures to look at. However, the storyline of this book was very confusing and jumped around alot. After reading it I had to read several things online to help explain some of the details so I could understand what exactly happened. And I am still not quite sure the reasoning behind the newspaper salesman or the Black Freighter side story (although I do see the similarities between Adrian Viedt's notion of using the deaths of others to prevent a bigger tragedy and the marooned sailor using the dead bodies of his shipmates to get him home to prevent the Black Freighter from killing his town. Parallel goals.) However, the idea of being a hero despite your own shortcomings and how far you would go to do the right thing is intriguing. These superheroes were more personable with their flaws, thus more relatable. But no less annoying (Laurie) or insane (Rorschech). I think one of the other reviewers here said it best when she stated "It's not an easy book to read, despite being a graphic novel (less text to read). It jumps back and forth in time, even panel-to-panel, and you need to try to keep track of all the conversations and all the small details in the illustrations because everything's important! It made me quite dizzy at times. It's quite ingenious really, but that doesn't necessarily make it amazing. Clever, but not likeable. As is often the way." I felt exactly the same way! Overall this was an okay read with political undertones that resonate even today. However I am not sure why everyone claims it is the best graphic novel/story of all time. Perhaps I missed the point because it seemed like an average tale to me, good guy doing something bad for the better good. Reminded me of Wanted, kill one, save a thousand. And the ending was disappointing. However, the drawings were detailed, but I am not a big fan of comic drawings, too over the top most of the time for me. I am glad I read it before seeing the movie, I think it is going to help me understand the film much more.

2023-07-14 11:42

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صناعة الذات : مفاتيح الشخصية الناجحة - ملون عبد القادر الشخيلي تحميل سيل

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